As software products becomes more mobile, and innovative, and product versions require shorter release periods, the need to be more responsive to change has begun to work against the traditional waterfall processes. Agile software development approaches have been gaining strength as they are a perfect fit to accommodate changing requirements in the middle of a development cycle.

Agile’s main principles include reducing documentation, lowering bureaucracy, more transparency, and better collaboration for cost-saving and quality assurance purposes. These principles have become more and more appealing, causing even larger companies to take notice. Industry studies confirm that a large percentage of companies are adopting agile processes and using agile techniques for their projects. However, upon close inspection of these surveys, it is clear that those claiming to be agile projects clearly were not.

TRIUM has helped its clients in following objectives to move them to agile:

  • Enterprise Agile Transformation
  • SAFe and LeSS Adoption
  • Provide ongoing Agile coaching
  • Bringing in the right people for success
  • Acculture customers and stakeholders to the new process
  • Tailoring “right” hybrid Agile processes for the enterprise
  • Taking them up the Agile maturity curve
  • Making continual improvements in Agile Engineering
  • Building out enterprise solutions for Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery & DevOps